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If Trump challenges the US constitutional order, will Kavanaugh defend it? | Lawrence Douglas

There’s more at stake in Kavanaugh’s appointment to the supreme court than the future of abortion rights or affirmative action. See Poland for proof

Conservatives are rightly jubilant with Trump’s choice of Brett Kavanaugh – Kenneth Starr protégé, conservative operative and federal appellate judge – to replace retiring Justice Anthony Kennedy in the US supreme court.

Had Republicans not obstinately blocked Obama’s own supreme court nominee, Merrick Garland, in 2016, the choice of Kavanaugh would be less consequential. Garland, an eminently qualified centrist, would be concluding his second year as an associate justice on the supreme court. A progressive-centrist majority of Breyer, Kagan, Ginsburg, Sotomayor and Garland would now control the court.

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