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It didn’t take long for the Windsors to strip Meghan Markle of her sparkle | Sophie Heawood

Hopes that Harry’s bride would resist royal dulling down are fast vanishing

I knew there was trouble ahead as soon as I saw footage of her first official outing after the wedding, to attend a garden party at Buckingham Palace for Prince Charles’s 70th birthday. Suddenly, Meghan Markle wasn’t just called a duchess: she looked like one too. She was wearing beige.

Beige, the colour of a quiet, mundane sort of evil. Beige, the colour that old white people use to disappear into. The colour that people in offices wear to blend into the walls so you don’t notice they actually left for their lunchbreak over three hours ago. The colour with which landlords paint over the cracks in rental flats and to which all rubble turns when buildings collapse into dust.

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