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The Dark Knight is ten years old today.

It hit mainstream theaters on July 18th 2008, but the New York premiere was on the 14th.

The Dark Knight Is still my favorite superhero movie. Some have come relatively close, but don't touch the complete package that Is The Dark Knight.

This movie has so many iconic scenes and performances that It stands out as one of the best summer blockbusters ever in my mind. While many since have topped It In terms of sheer spectacle, none have touched It's depth, tensity, and emotional power. And you can't make a post about The Dark Knight without mentioning Ledger's unforgettable performance.

I still remember watching It In the packed theatre and the GASPS people had during that wonderful pencil scene.

Besides The Prestige, I still think that Batman Begins and The Dark Knight are Nolan's strongest and best movies to date and nothing he has done since has topped those movies.

What did you think of The Dark Knight when you watched It for the very first time? Did you like It? Disliked It? What did you think of the performances especially Ledger's?

submitted by /u/LuckyBastardGaming to r/movies
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