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What if employees co-owned the business where they work? | Nathan Schneider

A quiet consensus is emerging across the political divide: Bernie Sanders and Paul Ryan both advocate enabling Americans to co-own the businesses where they work

What do Bernie Sanders and Paul Ryan have in common? Mr Ryan recently learned he has some Jewish ancestry, but there is at least one other thing, tucked between their otherwise diametrically opposed visions for the US economy: both advocate enabling more Americans to co-own the businesses where they work.

Mr Ryan has been a longtime co-sponsor of bills supporting employee stock-ownership plans, or ESOPs, through which millions of workers reap the profits they help create, on top of their wages. Mr Sanders, meanwhile, is among those on the left now crafting ambitious bills to promote employee ownership nationwide. Americans seem divided on just about everything, but if the two of them can agree that we should co-own more of the businesses we rely on, maybe the rest of us can too.

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