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Force my parents to raise your kids? Enjoy not having kids anymore.

This has been a long time coming, 4 years in the making to be exact. My sister, is a huge druggie, so is her baby daddy. They have been holding my nephew (now nephews) over my parents heads for the past 4 years, effectively holding my parents hostage in their own house. Every time my dad tries to help them find a place of their own, instead of living in a trailer in his driveway, they say "Do you really want your grand kids to be homeless?"

*After the boyfriend trashed my parents house, in a drunken rage, my dad had kicked them out about a year ago, but my mom somehow, convinced him to let them move back in. My parents stuff was also going missing, causing my dad to have to literally screw his bedroom door shut, and double deadbolt it to keep his stuff safe.*

My parents are in their 60's and do not have the time, nor the energy to raise a 4 year old and a 3 month old, but my sister doesn't care. Her and her boyfriend spend all their money on weed and who knows what else, and every time her baby daddy starts to have his wages garnished, due to child support he owes to his wife (Yes, wife, he is still married) he quits his job. He's also a felon, apparently the Airforce doesn't take too kindly to "Grand Theft Auto."

Anyway, I recently got married, and while my new wife, and I were flying back home, I was browsing r/LegalAdvice seeing if there was anything that could be done, and I just happen to come across a [Post]( that seemingly was unrelated, but the top comment mentioned Zoning laws that the OP might be violating by parking an RV on land he had just purchased. Which got me thinking, "I wonder if my dad is violating any zoning laws by having them on the property." and he was!

I called my county office the next day and let them know of the Zone Violation and they came out, with police, to tell my dad the Trailer needed to go, and the police officially evicted my sister and her baby daddy. The police also informed CPS of the disgusting living conditions that were being force upon my Nephews and they were taken into state custody a few hours later.

Now my sister is officially homeless, no kids, and is being brought up on Child Abuse and Neglect charges, and both her and the boyfriend will most likely lose parental rights to her kids.

My dad was not fined by the county as he had the trailer hauled away that day, and no one will ever know it was me who called as the county will not reveal that info due to fears of retaliation against the one who made the report. My wife and I are considering filing for temporary custody of my nephews as well.

Edit: * are added clarification and specifics on what my sister and her boyfriend have done.

Edit 2: I removed the apostrophe in "Nephews". I apologize for any offense given with my spelling and grammar.

Edit 3: I actually didn't know the cops would call CPS because the police stopped responding to our "welfare visit" requests because they "never found anything" CPS stopped caring as well as we didn't have anything "concrete" to prove they were being abused. I'm not sure what the police found in the trailer that finally prompted them to start caring, but i'm glad they did.

Thank you everyone for your insight who have been in this same situation. I am aware that I can get government assistance with both of them, but this is a very big decision that I have to have, in depth, with my wife. There are a lot of details I left out in this post, mainly the years and years my dad and I tried to help my sister and get her on her feet, but she has outright refused to be her own person. I understand those who are saying I did more harm than good here by allowing my nephews to enter the Foster system, but you all don't know the full extent of what those kids have been subjected to, hell I don't even know the full extent.

If anyone has any advice to give, please feel free to PM me. Any and all advice is welcome.

submitted by /u/Ashontez to r/ProRevenge
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