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I cut my hair and now my clothes "fit" me better

Okay, they don't literally fit my body better. They just seem to "fit me" better.

I have been trying to cultivate a certain aesthetic (less college student, more chic boss babe) for a while now and I couldn't quite figure it out. Something wasn't working. Then, I was drinking coffee on a rainy Saturday morning last week and I suddenly just got up, drove to the salon, and chopped my mid-back length hair into a chin bob. Suddenly, all the clothes I couldn't figure out before just feel "right."

I think it has something to do with the fact that I haven't truly cut my hair since college. I actually think I had reached the point where I was literally using my hair to hide sometimes.

Has anyone else had a similar experience? I never expected it, but I'm pretty thrilled with the result!

submitted by /u/Caryatid4693 to r/femalefashionadvice
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