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I just want my coffee!

Obligatory: This happened about 3 and half months ago.

I work as a management consultant at a firm where we travel to companies and businesses to improve their organization in certain areas. I won't get into the details of the work as it does not matter in this case.

I have been at the company (we'll call ABC for security) for about a week, meeting with the management team to gather information in order to start analyzing potential risk areas. Note the building that we are in has about a hundred plus employees, all for the same company. I have just finished an entire morning with my team and some of company ABC's managers/directors/VPs, I decided to take a short break to grab a coffee at the cafeteria downstairs. On my way to the elevator, a lady in her mid-40s (We'll call her CL, short for corporate lady, and M for me) called towards my direction, and it went like this.

CL: Hey, you, come here!

I completely ignored her as I didn’t think she was trying to get my attention, so I kept on walking towards the elevator. Now in my peripheral vision, I see the CL speed walking towards me and immediately got into my personal space in seconds.

CL: Hey junior, I’m talking to you! How dare you f---ing ignore me?!

Note that I am in my late 20s, but thanks to my Asian gene, I look like I’m 18 to 20. Which is probably why bouncers at bars always triple check my ID. My visitor pass is also clipped to my belt.

M: (thinking I misheard that she cussed at me) I’m sorry, what did you say?

CL: Are you as incompetent as you are deaf? Go to IT and let them know my computer is having issues with printing, and while you are at it, grab me some (forgot what supplies she wanted) from downstairs.

M: Sorry Miss, but I don’t work for you, I’m just trying to get a coffee.

CL: So f---ing what?? As an intern, you should be listening orders from all senior level people. Also, you shouldn’t be on coffee break when everybody else are working!!

M: Wait what? No, you don’t understand, I- (CL immediately cuts me off).

CL: Listen kid, you get that s--t done right now or I’m gonna report you to your manager for poor teamwork and ignoring helps of others.

M: First, you need to talk calmly and politely, then you need to understand that I don’t – (she cuts me off again)

CL: I’m the MANAGER, you are NOT! Now, I don’t want to hear your lazy ass excuses, just get it done ASAP, I have an important meeting in the afternoon.

She storms off right after.

I mean obviously I’m not going to do what she asked so I shrugged it off and got my warm caffeinated lover. Also I know one issue to bring up on why the company is losing young talents so quickly.

The afternoon meeting starts again and we are to meet with a new set of managers from other departments. Lo and behold, CL enters the room muttering something with a director or VP I can’t remember. She looked at me and immediately said

CL: Yeah, that’s the kid who didn’t get my s--t fixed, so I don’t have all the files ready. Why the hell is he here?

I guess the moment she said that, something clicked in her head and she realized I’m not with the company, but rather the people they pay a hefty bill rate for. I explained the situation briefly because I want to get the current day agenda out of the way, and said we can speak with HR after the meeting to clear up the issue. CL sat through the meeting without really saying a single word unless we ask her questions directly regarding her department.

I am certain that she got in a ton of trouble with HR and her supervisors as I didn’t see her for the remaining 3 weeks I was there. All of her department information were handled by a guy who supposedly reports to her.

Tldr: OP gets mistaken for an intern, yelled at, cussed at, by a manager at the company that hired OP’s team.

submitted by /u/Rakenyul to r/IDontWorkHereLady
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