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Kicked out a problem player. Now they've quit D&D.

So as the title says, I had to have a problem player leave my CoS game because of how they played their characters and how they played the game, and the disrespectful actions they did over the course of a few campaigns towards my other players and myself.

They refused to talk to me for a few days, and that's weird since we live together. About 3 days after the conversation for them to step away from the table, they finally approached me and said they threw away all their dice (over 75+ sets easily, some Kraken Dice and some metal dice sets too) and their PHB since they failed in my game, so they might as well just give up and move on.

I was absolutely stunned and had no idea how to even respond to their decision. It makes me feel bad that my actions caused them to leave the hobby behind, but also made me angry that they didn't care enough about the game or hobby to try and get better or find another group.

I still don't know how to feel about it.


submitted by /u/DMDad37 to r/DMAcademy
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