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[Shocking] My GF sisters boyfriend has a crush on her

I’m [25/M]. I started dating this girl [22/F], it’s only been 3-4 months, but ALOT has happened since then.

She has a sister [18/F] and her sister has a boyfriend [21/M] who have been together for 6 months. When I first met her sister and her sister bf, I thought they were cool, we always hung out and even lived together in one room at one point. My gf and her sisters boyfriend got along pretty well, but sometimes I think it was too much.

Little by little I started noticing something weird about her sisters boyfriend. In the beginning I felt that he was too friendly with my gf, like too close but I always thought “maybe I’m trippin, that’s just how they are, it’s nothing” and left it alone.

Then more weird shit happened. Like one night, all 4 of us went out to a bar, he grabbed my gf and started to dance. Nothing wrong with that, but what was weird to me was the way he then started to grab her and dance with her like it was a back in the day basement party. It was weird to me bc she tells me that they’re like a brother and sister. Brothers and sisters don’t dance that way. I ignored that situation and kept it moving.

Another time we went out again and right before going in the bar, he decided he wanted to take some pictures. So he gives my gf sister his phone and tells her to take a picture of them. They switch and my gf takes a pic of them two. The weird part was that if you were to compare both pics side by side and I asked you, which one of these two is he in a relationship with, you would pick the one he took with my gf. A picture says a thousand words. While my gf was just taking a picture just to take it, the way he grabbed her and looked at her was basically how me, as her boyfriend would grab her and look at her. She posted that pic but deleted it after I said it was weird and people kept asking her “who’s the lucky guy” . At this moment I was 80% sure that this kid had something for my gf.

As time went on and my gf and I got real serious, his behavior towards me started to change. Every time i would Hug and kiss my gf or show her any affection, I’d feel the hate in his eyes. He’d mention to my gf how things are different now, how she chose me over her “family” (him and her sister). He would make plans to go out to eat but he would make it clear that he just wants them 3 to go. When my gf would say no, he’d get angry.

It got to the point where one night my gf sister and her sister bf came over. Everything was all good. I wasn’t there yet but when I arrived, she mentioned he was being weird towards me. It was like that the rest of the night.

When they left, I finally decided to have that talk with my girlfriend. We had a long talk about that situation and other things. At first she didn’t see things that way I seen them but started to put two and two together. She didn’t want to accept the possibility that her sisters boyfriend could want her. She was not convinced But agreed that she might have unknowingly condoned his actions and that she’ll be a little less friendly.

At this time it was 10am, we still hadn’t slept. Her phone made the notification noise. I looked over at the phone which was next to me, and it read: “Lets fuck”

At this moment, we’re both in shock. I grabbed the phone and showed her the DM.

It was from her sisters boyfriend.

Her: “maybe that’s them playing around” Me: “you don’t play around like that”

Her: “it could have been my sister writing that” Me: “okay then, if that’s what you think, let’s call. If you’re sister picks up, we pay attention to how she sounds. If she sounds like she’s just waking up, it wasn’t her playing games. But if he picks up, you go along with it, to see how far he’ll go.” Her: “okay”

My GF calls, Her sister answers, in a groggy voice. Like she had just woken up.

GF: “hey what are you doing?” Sister: “I was sleeping what’s up” GF: “Where’s your BF?” Sister: “he’s laying next to me” GF: “look at what he just sent me” Her sister hangs up.

We call back 15 mins later to give them a chance to talk.

When We call back, gf sister answers. In the background, we can hear that they were arguing. A few seconds later, she hangs up and we don’t hear from her again for the rest of the day.

A few days later, they explain that his page got hacked and it was one of his exes that had wrote that. Idk how he managed to make his girlfriend believe that but it must have been tough. My gf believed him, but still had her doubts. I in the other hand, don’t believe it for various reasons.

My gf and I spoke about it things and she said that she’ll keep her distance. Either way I let it go and decided to move on. He would continue to come around but it wasn’t the same.

Few days went by.

Yesterday, I call her to talk and see how her day is going. She picks up, crying. She says she’s at her sisters house. Her sister was being taken by ambulance to the hospital because she couldn’t breathe. I tell her to call me back asap.

Time went by and I call to see what’s going on. She picks up, i ask her what happened. She says she’s home, her sister is doing fine, she’s at the hospital with her parents.

Me: “how come you aren’t at the hospital with her also?” Her: “they wouldn’t let us in the room, only my mom and dad, and I was hungry so we left. Me: “who are you with?” Her: “My sisters boyfriend, I told him to come instead of waiting there. “

At this moment, I am bothered and disappointed. After all that we’ve been through, You’re alone, in a house, with someone that you know I don’t feel comfortable with. That’s what I wanted to say, but did not say it bc I was on speaker.

So we continue to talk while she starts to cook. There comes a point where her phone dies. I give her 8-10mins to call me back. (Takes 2-3mins for her phone to turn on). She doesn’t call, so I call her. No answer. I wait 5 more mins and call again, no answer. I wait longer than 5mins this time and call. She picks up and says her phone died.

Me: “how come you didn’t call back after it died?” (She usually does right away) Her: “I was on the phone with my sister, she’s ready to leave the hospital, now we have to find my parents and her a ride” Me: “oh”

Her sisters boyfriend finds a ride and leaves to pick them up from the hospital. My girlfriend stays and we continue to talk until she goes to shower.

She calls back and her sister is there along with her boyfriend. We talk about the situation, and I patiently wait for them to leave so I can talk to my gf about how I felt bothered that she was there alone with him.

When they finally leave, I express myself to her and tell her how I felt. From that point forward, a 4 hour argument commences.

  • She says that I have no right to feel the way I felt. That’s her “brother in law”. And that there was nothing at all wrong with him being alone with her.

I tell her, that I do have the right to feel bothered. It might be your brother in law but things changed when you received that text message from him. I feel disappointed bc you said you would keep your distance. Being alone in a house with him is not keeping your distance.

I’d like to know what you guys think. Am I overreacting? Or do i have a point.

Am I the only one that thinks it’s weird? What would you do in my shoes?

submitted by /u/b1aze360 to r/relationship_advice
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