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My boyfriend is mad that I slept in the same bed as my older brother and helped him get dressed and have a bath.

Backstoryish: So I went to a wedding for my aunt and uncle and stayed in a hotel for a couple days with my family. My brother is severely disabled, the easiest way to describe it is a 3 year old in a 26 year old body. He needs help with everything and doesn't understand what danger is. I am 20f btw.

My brother obviously cannot be left alone, especially in a completely new place to him the other side of the country so me and him shared a room which had a king size bed. After coming back from the wedding my boyfriend found out we shared a bed and was creeped out by this and said what if you saw him naked to which I completely blew up on him and yelled who do you think got him dressed and bathed him for the past couple of days. Now my boyfriend is not talking to me over this and called me weird. edit: My boyfriend does know my brother if thats not clear

This is honestly the most stupidest thing I have ever had happen to me and I have no clue on how to respond to him.

Any advice?

submitted by /u/Saltywithissues to r/relationship_advice
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