Democrats are losing the millennial vote and need to change message | Cas Mudde
Young Americans are open and non-religious, but cool about gun control. The Democrats have to speak to their needs
Ever since their shock defeat in November 2016, Democrats have sought comfort in the age-old proverb that “our kids are our future”. After all, Hillary Clinton decisively won the youth vote, with 55% of millennials voting for her, while Donald Trump could not muster more than one-third. So does that mean the future is looking rosy?
In the past few months, the liberal media has seen hope in America’s youth. A AP-Norc/MTV Youth Political Pulse poll found that only a minority (33%) of young Americans approve of the way Trump is handling his job of president, while the majority believe that the president is “mentally unfit” (60%), “generally dishonest” (62%) or “a racist” (63%). In line of these findings, Vox triumphantly headlined: “The kids are not all right with Donald Trump.”
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