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PSA: If you don’t vote for the lesser of two evils, you’re helping the greater of two evils.

I was listening to NPR this morning and they interviewed two liberals in Kentucky who were hemming and hawing about how they didn’t feel right voting for the Democrat candidate because she had been a fighter pilot in Iraq and she was, and I’m quoting here, a “murderous imperialist”. They also lamenting feeling like they had to vote for the lesser of two evils and didn’t want to be forced into voting for someone they didn’t fully support.

Good for you for having principles. Good for you for wanting a better system than the two-party shitshow we’re stuck with. I don’t like this system either. I don’t necessarily like all of the Democrats in my local election. But refusing to vote for the lesser of two evils only helps the greater of two evils. This kind of thinking put Orange Julius Caesar in the White House. This kind of thinking put Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court. If you don’t like something about the Democrat candidate’s policies, let them know loudly and repeatedly, but get out there and vote. Staying home on principle only enables the people who go out and vote for the other side.

Go. Vote.

Edit: think of it like this. You and I are in a house and there’s a fire in the corner that’s threatening to burn the entire house down. I reach for the fire extinguisher and you tell me not to use it, because the chemicals in the fire extinguisher are bad for the environment. There is a time and place to have a discussion about how we can change the chemicals in the fire extinguisher so it becomes eco-friendly, but let’s put out the damn fire first!

submitted by /u/ProfessionalKvetcher to r/BlueMidterm2018
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