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Boyfriend broke up with me because I played a PC game for 5 hours

Well, that’s what started the argument. Sorry this is going to be long.

EDIT: wish I could change the title. Of course I don’t think anyone would break up with anyone over a game but that’s the subject of our recent blow out. The straw that broke the camel’s back. I am starting to feel sad about posting this. He was a very good boyfriend in the past. He is funny and he cooks and cleans. He is a good son to his parents and he loves our kitten. He’s done so much for me but the past year our relationship has taken a nose dive. I was broken up with about 2am last night so this post is a product of how I felt. I want to tell everyone that I am biased. There are two sides to every story but I’m just going off the past few months and the communication is terrible so I can’t provide his side accurately.

EDIT 2: The game was Cultist Simulator —

I bought a game and I got addicted to it immediately so I played it for 5 hours (from 8pm to 1am). This is not a normal occurrence for me.

At 11 pm my bf (25M) (now ex?) came in my room and said “you’re still playing that?” Then at 12 he asked if I was still playing it, at 12:30 he told me it’s time for me to stop playing and go to sleep.

When he got ready for bed around 1:10 I stopped playing the game and got ready for bed too. He was acting weird, I asked what was wrong. He said nothing is wrong repeatedly. Then when I had a hunch I said “Babe if you wanted to play on the computer, I wish you would tell me.”

He exploded and said “I told you multiple times it’s time to stop playing the game!”

I replied, “I don’t know what to say to you. I am a 24 year old woman and if I want to play a game for 5 hours once in awhile I should be allowed to do so. I don’t appreciate you restricting me for something like this.”

Then he proceeds to accuse me of not talking to him during these hours. I told him if he wanted to talk to me he could come into the room when I was on the computer and talk to me, I would have loved that. Whenever he plays DOTA for hours straight I always come in the room and give him company.

He says I ignore him but I give him hugs and kisses all the time. I cuddle him too. He never initiated this with me.

Then he said he feels like he’s just living with a roommate and not a girlfriend. I told him that I’ve bought so much food for him, asked to go out on dates but he said he didn’t want to me to pay tip so we should just order take out. I said I’ve been trying to go on dates with him, and it’s a two way street. He doesn’t have a lot of money or a job and he’s an international student so I really understand he doesn’t have money. But stuff like walks in the parks doesn’t cost money, he makes no effort to take me out on dates.

Then the final thing, he tells me I don’t let him touch me which isn’t true. We argued and the underlying reason seems to be I don’t have sex with him. Which isn’t true. I’m very busy with my job so I initiate sex with him 1 or 2 times per week.

I really understand that I should have sex with him often. But I wish he would tell me this instead of getting mad at me for the smallest shit and me have to guess at it. In the past month he has become mad at me for menial things to the point he leaves our apartment.

So he said “I don’t want to have a girlfriend who doesn’t have sex with me! It’s over.” Which hurts because I do have sex with him.

I know I’m not perfect. I can be lazy and selfish but in my heart I always try to make him feel loved.

We have a cat together and a 1 year lease on the apartment. We've been together 4 years. My mom suggests kicking him out but I don’t have the heart to do that. I love him and he’s on the lease too. I don’t want to make trouble. But I don’t know how I can coexist in such a hostile environment. I’ve had to endure these outbursts so many times. Last time he was angry he flipped a table at me. I’m so sad but angry. I’m more angry right now because of all the build up from him to this, I’m so afraid when it hits me later and I’m just miserable.

I'm just trying to figure out how we can coexist. The cat technically belongs to me since my mother bought her for me as a congratulations on finding our own apartment (we lived together in the past, but with other roommates). I feel very bad because he loves her too, but he seems to be going back to China and I don't think he can take her.

Edit: ( Text message aftermath

submitted by /u/xiaoboluo to r/relationship_advice
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