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Got greedy, got nothing

Was in a uk supermarket waiting in line for the self scanning checkouts, was about 4 from the front of the queue.

Due to technical difficulties, contactless payments (in uk you can pay by tapping your card or phone on the card machine) were down and you had to insert your card in the machine & enter your PIN, or pay cash.

A guy (mid to late 20s) at one of the registers had only brought his phone as he was going to use contactless to pay, so wasn't able to pay for his groceries which came to a grand total of £2.50 (about $3).

I am a big believer of paying it forward and karma, so being the good person that I am I stepped forward and offered to pay.

The choosy beggar then says that he actually need a few other bits, so could I wait while he goes to get them. I say ok, thinking it might be 1 or 2 more items, but he brings a WHOLE BASKET FULL of groceries (including beer) that would have cost at least £50!!!!

I tell him that I'm only paying for the original 2 items, and he responds with 'it's all or nothing'. After some painstaking deliberation, I told him that I would have to go with 'nothing', paid for my shopping and left.

Its been a week and I'm still in shock that he thought I was going to pay for all his groceries!

Edit: As this is getting more heat that I expected I'll clarify a few things

  1. The painstaking deliberation comment was sarcasm, it was a no brainer
  2. When he said he needed to get a few bits (clarification - bits means items) I was taken back but he had walked off before I could reply
  3. I waited about 10 mins because that's what the good Samaritan in me thought was the right thing to do. I didn't feel right offering to pay and then walking away. I did after he came back though
submitted by /u/pandaland28 to r/ChoosingBeggars
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