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CMV: There should be more support programs for men to go into college and affirmative action shouldn't include gender

According to stats women are the the indisputable majority of the collegue students and graduates in general. In many colleges women's ratio can even reach 60-75%. There are already hundred if thousands times more support programs for women to go into college than men. I rarely seen major non-profit orgs on education do anything for men. Current education system heavily encourages females students to go into colleges while do nothing for men. There is no 'You go girl!' mentality given by teachers for boys in young ages like they teach to girls. Currently the primary beneficior of the Affirmative Action is 'white women' and they are also the majority of the college student and graduates. Don't you think it's kinda ridiculous? I understand that back in times women needed that support programs and affirmative action when men didn't. I understand teachers needed to encourage specifically their female students but because numbers of women in high education was low. But now they are already the majority and they are much more succesfull. Why should they still need Affirmative Action and millions of support programs. Shouldn't these orgs and colleges try to help men to go into college since they are the minority that needs help? Or at least don't favour women on affirmative action. If anyone needs affirmative action, that's men not women. If colleges and this orgs care so much about diversity why the male student numbers continuesly drops every year? Or diversity means 'less men especially if they are white' for them? Because men already are underpresented at colleges when we look at the American population and thanks to lack of support for men from colleges-orgs the numbers for male students will continue to drop even further

edit: Sorry for my terrible english. It's not my native. I'm not American either but I'm really interested in American politics. Where I live there is also way more support programs for females but we have no affirmative action. Everybody who wants to go college go into a SAT like exam and colleges only considers that score when they accept students. No gender, no race, no culture...etc can be considered. It's almost an automated process. Sometimes you can get scholarships if you good at sports, music, math...etc but yeah admission process doesnt care about your gender, ethnicity or any other attributes you have. It's certainly fair process but I can't claim it's the best process

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submitted by /u/psfrtps to r/changemyview
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