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[Help] regarding what to feed my dog while broke and out of dog food

Hello. I have a 7 year old Lab/Shar-Pei mix named Pete. Obligatory photo tax.

He generally eats Nutro Limited Ingredient because of some allergy issues he had when he was younger, but I'm about 2 days away from being out of that and I don't get paid again for over a week.

My question is will he be okay eating mainly brown rice, pinto beans, and potatoes(that's basically everything I have in my pantry) for the majority of a week? I just started rationing what food he has left so he can at least get a half cup of that + 1.5 cups of beans and rice as his 2x daily meal.

I know the normal recommendation is chicken and rice, but I don't have any meat around and can't afford it. I'm sorry if this is rambling, I'm just worried about him and angry at myself for getting into this situation. He's basically all I have in this world.

I have looked into charities and because of my location there are none nearby. I'm in Douglas City, CA at the moment and I don't have the gas to make it to the nearest real city, Redding, which is 40 miles away.

Any suggestions are welcome, though I believe my options are pretty limited by my location/lack of anything resembling money. I guess what I'm looking for more is just assurance that this won't hurt Pete.

-----------Edited to add more information --------------------

I've taken stock of my finances and I've got about $4 that I can spare if that is of any help to supplement his food with something. My shopping options are limited to a small town grocery store(decent selection but not the cheapest. Think Kroger-lite) or a CVS(small pharmacy/general store).

-------------FINAL EDIT----------------------

Due to the generosity of strangers it looks like Pete and I will be okay until payday :) I will leave this post up because there is some good advice here for anyone in a similar situation.

When I was younger I was quite a cynic in life but the kindness and empathy of strangers has really given me hope for the future in recent times. Thank you all for your support!

_____________FINAL FINAL EDIT______________

I have added quite a few more photos of Pete to my Imgur album to brighten your days! He certainly always brightens mine. Enjoy!

submitted by /u/SomeDudeInPortland to r/dogs
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